We’re pleased to announce that WWSC’s first AGM will be taking place on Saturday, June 9 from 9:30 am to 2 pm at the Annapolis Basin Conference Centre in Cornwallis. The AGM will act as a forum to hear from our members as we develop the structure of the WWSC and form our official board of directors. We are delighted to have the General Manager of North Nova Forest Owners Cooperative, Greg Watson join us as a guest speaker and share North Nova’s story as they celebrate 40 years in operation as a successful woodlot owner managed cooperative. Mark the event on your calendar today and please contact us to pre-register by June 5th, as lunch will be provided.
The tentative agenda for this first AGM is as follows:
- 9:30-10:00 - Registration & Refreshments
- 10:00-10:05- Introduction (from Chairman Arcade Comeau)
- 10:05-10:40 - Update on the WWSC (from General Manager, Patricia Amero)
- 10:40-11:15 - North Nova Forest Owners Cooperative: 40 years of a successful cooperative business model (Greg Watson)
- 11:15-12:00 - Break-out sessions – how can we be successful in serving our members?
- 12:00-12:45 - Lunch
- 12:45-1:10 - Sharing and discussion from break-out sessions
- 1:10- 2:00 - AGM Business Meeting
If you have any questions or need help from us in any regard, please contact us by phone (902-523-2141) or by email. It’s our job to be here for you and we’re happy to help.
Looking forward to seeing you on June 9th!