No matter the size of your woodlot, we have a management plan to suit your needs.
Preliminary Overview Report
All new members receive a Preliminary Overview Report of their woodlot from WWSC which is included as part of the membership fee - no matter what the size of your woodlot. This report provides a good initial overview of your woodlot identifying the composition of the woodlot through GIS mapping, including stand and species types, potential for silviculture and harvest treatments, and identify any key sites that hold extra value for you as the woodlot owner. This also includes a 2 - 3 hour visit to your woodlot to walk in the woods and learn more about your goals for woodlot management.
Full Management Plan
Full management plans are completed by obtaining up-to-date forest inventory data and other information collected while in the field. The plans include recommended management activities and priorities dependent on your goals and objectives, and meets CRA requirements for prescribed forest management plans. We continue to subsidize the cost of producing these plans by 25%. This means for a 100 - 150 acre woodlot, for example, the woodlot owner would pay approximately $1,500, depending on the size and other factors particular to your woodlot.
Forest Stewardship Council Certified Plan
Forest certification provides members with a third-party verification on management plans, practices, and an assurance that the recommended activities are promote long-term stewardship and health of their forest. Certification is also a beneficial tool that allows wood buyers to have a choice in purchasing wood from sustainably managed woodlots. Certification through the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an option for all WWSC members with a full management plan. We continue to work with the Nova Scotia Association of Woodlot Certification to obtain and maintain FSC certification.
However, since there is more work involved with producing the management plan including follow up monitoring, inspections of work, keeping records, providing information to the auditor for annual audits, these plans are not subsidized. There is a small fee associated with annual audits to help cover these audit costs.