The purpose of the WWSC is to provide management and marketing services for woodlot owners. We work with experienced and trusted contractors to help you manage your woodlot for what means the most to you.

Services of the WWSC

The primary objective of the Cooperative is to facilitate sustainable forest management for our members by providing access to forest management expertise. The services offered by the WWSC make it possible for woodlot owners to build their properties for long-term health and economic return.

Our staff exist to serve our members through providing the following services at a reasonable cost:

What We Offer

We consider ourselves the one-stop shop for all your woodlot management needs.

A few of the services we offer include:

  • Woodlot management plan prepared by a forest professional in consultation with the member and dependent on their objectives and needs. The plan will include up to date forest inventory data, volume estimates, management recommendations, priorities, and estimated fees.

  • Financial assistance for various silvicultural treatments.

  • Qualified site layout and supervision of forestry work.

  • Contract arrangements for woodlot-related services and information and advice on matters concerning woodlot management.

  • Marketing of all forest products from member woodlot for a nominal fee. WWSC will maximize returns to the landowner through the best utilization of wood products harvested and available markets.

  • Continual access to advice and guidance regarding all matters and questions related to woodlot management.

  • Access to current research development information in the forest industry and non-timber woodlot values.

  • Access to training, education and networking opportunities.

  • Access to current aerial photos and maps of your woodlot.

  • Woodlot certification with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) (Forest management plans can be made easily compliant with FSC standards and policies, however certification is optional).


Find out more detail about member operations services here.