The WWSC offers a variety of services to all our members. As a non-profit cooperative, all our profits are reinvested to enhance the woodlot management services we offer.

Throughout the early days of the WWSC, we spent time talking with woodlots owners about the management values that were most important to them. From these meetings across the seven western counties, we gained valuable insights on what individual owners value as success in woodlot management. In discussion, an overarching theme of economic sustainability was the most prevalent gauge of success for nearly all the participants. 

We've found the definition of economic sustainability to Nova Scotia woodlot owners is more than just about deep pockets, but rather promoting gradual improvements in forest health over time, all while generating a sustainable income for their families. In providing services for woodlot owners to manage their woodlots sustainably, pursue silviculture, and market their wood, we can build the health and diversity of our forests, protect wildlife habitat and provide economic incentives for generations to come.

For a one-time membership fee of $200, our members receive value through the following:

  • Membership in the Co-op

  • Access to WWSC services

  • Access to external funding for woodlot management

  • A voice in the establishment of WWSC operating strategies and policies

  • An opportunity to serve on the WWSC Board of Directors

  • A vote in the election for the WWSC Board of Directors

By becoming a member of WWSC, we will act as an agent for the sale and harvesting of timber from your woodlot consistent with the values described in your woodlot management plan. Harvest work will only proceed following your approval and after appropriate harvesting contracts are signed with all affected parties.

Core Member Services

We specialize in the following services through membership, and offer many more through fee-for-service.

Management Planning Services

Our introductory and full service management plan focus on landowner values and are built for long-term sustainable management.

Operations Supervision

We know your woodlot is important to you, that's why our experienced technical staff will be on hand during harvest operations to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Forest Product Marketing

Through our network of woodlot owners, contractors and mills, the WWSC will provide marketing services for woodlot owners.